12 Natural Ways To Migraine Relief At Home

Most headache sufferers have migraines. Many factors can trigger them such as stress, lack of sleep, or certain foods. Some people have a genetic disposition to migraines, which means they are more likely to experience them.

To find relief from migraine symptoms, it is important to understand what causes them and how they work. In this article, we will explore natural migraine relief at home and how you can use these treatments to reduce your pain and discomfort. 

Stay tuned! 

migraine relief at home

How To Naturally Treat Migraine Pain? 

There are many beneficial choices available to you if you wish to attempt to treat your headache organically. Home cures for migraine headaches are frequently safer than prescription or even over-the-counter drugs, plus the risk of negative effects. Also, using natural and home remedies may be sufficient to reduce migraine symptoms. 

The following are some natural remedies that can help reduce pain: 

1- Stress Reduction Techniques: 

It is vital to keep clear of stressful circumstances whenever you can. Finding alternatives through activities like journaling, exercise, and meditation could be helpful. Take a warm bath, listen to music, or practice deep breathing as additional stress-relieving approaches. For some people, taking stress management classes can be helpful. 

2- Magnesium: 

Magnesium is a mineral that is involved in a wide range of bodily functions. It might relieve pain after a migraine begins and assist in preventing migraine aura. Menstrual migraines and migraines with an aura seem to benefit from it the most. 

This mineral is present in whole grains, nuts, and dark-green vegetables. Although some studies suggest it could prevent migraines, it won't help if you already have one. You can also take it as a pill, but before taking any supplements, always talk to your doctor. 

3- Vitamins: 

B vitamins may lower the frequency and intensity of migraines. They have a part in handling the brain's neurotransmitters.  The frequency of migraine attacks may also be influenced by vitamin D levels.  

Due to their water-soluble nature, excess B vitamins are excreted in the urine. Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone could consume too much. Even so, it is important to see a doctor before beginning a new vitamin supplement plan. 


4- Exercises: 

Avoid trying it if you are currently experiencing a migraine attack because it can make you feel worse. But when you're feeling good, working out frequently can reduce headaches. It causes the body to release endorphins, which block pain. Also, it reduces tension and improves sleep. 


Exercise that increases your heart rate can help you avoid migraines, but for some people, it might also make their headaches worse. However, this activity is a secure substitute due to its slower movements. According to research, practicing yoga regularly reduces the frequency of attacks you experience and makes them less severe when they do. 

5- Essential Oil: 

However, some people discover that massaging lavender oil, peppermint oil that has been reduced, or basil oil onto their heads or adding a few drops to a diffuser to fragrance the air can be comforting. The idea that essential oils can lessen headache or migraine frequency or intensity is not well supported by the available research. 

Lavender Oil: 

Anything that reduces tension is beneficial, and lavender has a relaxing effect, according to one study. 

Lavender oil can be applied topically or breathed, however, researchers advise against taking it by mouth due to its strength and the risk of ingesting too much. 

Peppermint Oil: 

As an alternative to peppermint oil, peppermint tea made from fresh or dried leaves can provide a calming effect, and drink plenty of water. 

Basil Oil: 

Traditional medicine has traditionally used basil oil as a relaxant and to promote relaxation. Since the herb serves as a muscle relaxant, it is especially helpful for headaches brought on by tension and tight muscles.



Always check to see whether you are allergic to any oil on the inside of your wrist before applying it to your body. 


6- Scalp Massage: 

Self-massage of the scalp can be an effective migraine pain reliever. A scalp massage may help some migraine sufferers find pain relief by easing tension and encouraging more active circulation. 

It is unlikely that a scalp massage will be comfortable for someone who has allodynia, a migraine symptom that causes excessive sensitivity to touch and other stimuli that aren't typically unpleasant. Even routine tasks like brushing your hair or putting your head on a pillow can be horribly painful when you have allodynia. 

7- Ice Pack Or Cold Compress: 

According to one study, while both ice and heat can be used to lessen discomfort, migraineurs typically prefer colds. 

Apply cold packs to the forehead or the back of the neck, if you'd prefer. Check for chemical leaks that could cause your eyes to harm if you use a commercial cold pack. The ideal distance between your skin and an ice pack is a piece of cloth. 

8- Water: 

Dehydration may cause migraines in certain people. Getting enough water throughout the day may help to fight off migraine headaches. Taking tiny sips of water may also help someone control some migraine symptoms, such as nausea. 

Make sure to consume lots of water throughout the day, especially when exercising, to avoid dehydration. You might need to sip more water than usual on hot days.


9- Ginger: 

Ginger is recognized for reducing nausea brought on by a variety of illnesses, including migraine. For migraine attacks, it might be helpful for pain relief. A study showed that one randomized controlled study discovered evidence of ginger's potential therapeutic benefits. 

Fresh ginger root can also be used to make a strong ginger tea. In addition to being cheap to make, drinking tea keeps you hydrated.  

10- Get Proper Sleep: 

Lack of sleep can harm your health in many ways, and for some people, it can even result in headaches. 

Morning headaches are linked to sleep apnea, a medical disorder in which breathing regularly stops and then starts while you're asleep, whereas tension headache sufferers with insomnia are linked to more severe headaches. 

However, it has also been proven that obtaining too much sleep can cause headaches. Therefore, obtaining enough sleep is important to people looking to prevent headaches naturally. 

11- Drink Coffee Or Tea: 

Caffeine-containing drinks, such as tea or coffee, may help you feel better when you have a headache. The effects of caffeine on mood, attentiveness, and blood vessel relaxation can all help with headache symptoms. 

Additionally, it boosts the effects of conventional headache drugs like acetaminophen and ibuprofen. 

However, if a person consistently takes large amounts of caffeine and then suddenly stops, caffeine withdrawal has also been shown to result in headaches. 

12- Avoid Histamine-Rich Foods: 

Histamine is a substance that occurs naturally in the body and has an impact on the neurological, digestive, and immune systems. 

Aged cheeses, fermented meals, beer, wine, smoked salmon, and cured meats are a few more foods that contain it. According to studies, people who are sensitive to histamine may have migraines after taking it. 

For those who are sensitive to histamine, removing items high in histamine from the diet may help with symptoms like headaches. 

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